

↓研究 ↓業績:英語論文(2010~)


内側型変形性膝関節症に対するFocal Dome Condylar Osteotomy(FDCO)

Arthrosc Tech 2020


これに対しわれわれは,「関節不安定性の制動」,「生理的な足関節アライメントの再建」,「膝蓋骨低位の予防」,「広い骨接触面積による骨癒合促進」を得ることを目的にCORAを中心とした粗面下ドーム状骨切りと関節内骨切りを組み合わせるFocal Dome Condylar Osteotomy(FDCO)を開発した.





Cancer Lett 2019

オララツマブ (OLA) は軟部肉腫における初めての分子標的薬で,血小板由来成長因子受容体αを阻害し,細胞増殖を抑制する.標準薬ドキソルビシン(DOX)単剤と比較したphase-2臨床試験の結果で,OLAとDOXの併用療法が進行性軟部肉腫患者の予後を約2倍に延長したことで,2016年に欧米で迅速承認されたが,phase-3試験で,予後の改善を見出すことができず,2019年に承認が取り消された.しかし,OLAと他の化学療法との併用療法についての可能性は明らかにされていない.今回,標準治療レジメンであるAI (DOX + ifosfamide)療法とOLAとの併用療法の可能性について,患者由来組織同所移植モデルを用いて検討した.はじめに未分化多形肉腫患者の手術検体の一部をマウス皮下に移植した.増殖した腫瘍を分割してヌードマウスの大腿二頭筋内に移植し,マウスモデルを樹立した.このモデルをコントロール群,DOX群,OLA群,AI療法群, OLA+DOX群,OLA+AI群にランダムに振り分け,14日間の治療を行い,腫瘍サイズと体重を週2回測定した.治療後に腫瘍を切除し,Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE)染色とKi-67免疫組織化学染色で評価した.DOX群とOLA群を除く全ての群で, control群と比較し,有意に腫瘍の増殖が抑制されたが,AI群とOLA+DOX群の腫瘍増殖抑制効果は軽度であった.一方,OLA+AI群では腫瘍増殖が停止し,HE染色で広範な壊死を認め,Ki-67 陽性率は有意に減少した.全群で,有意な体重減少や大きな副作用はなかった.以上より,OLAとAI療法の併用療法は今後の臨床応用に期待できると考えた.


Cancer Med 2018

軟骨肉腫は2番目に多い原発性悪性骨腫瘍であるが,現在でも有効な化学療法や放射線治療がなく,手術以外の治療法がない.Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ(PPARγ)は脂肪細胞の分化に中心的な役割を果たす核内受容体型の転写因子で,近年,癌治療の新しい標的としても注目されている.我々は非ステロイド性鎮痛薬のザルトプロフェンが,PPARγを活性化することを初めて明らかにしました.本研究ではPPARγ活性化による治療の可能性が報告されている軟骨肉腫において,ザルトプロフェンのPPARγを標的とした抗腫瘍効果について解析した.まず,reporter gene assayを行い,ザルトプロフェンに強いPPARγ活性能を有することを確認し,western-blotやRT-PCRにより,ザルトプロフェンが軟骨肉腫細胞でPPARγの発現を濃度依存的に誘導することを見出した.続いて,proliferation assay,wound assay,invasion assay, zymographyなどのin vitro解析の結果から,ザルトプロフェンが軟骨肉腫細胞の増殖能や遊走浸潤能,MMP-2の発現を濃度依存的に抑制することを明らかにし,これらの作用がPPARγを介していることを遺伝子ノックダウン実験で確認した.最後に,鎮痛のため,ザルトプロフェンを長期内服していた頸椎軟骨肉腫の1例において,内服前後の手術検体を組織学的に評価し,ザルトプロフェン内服後の検体でPPARγの増強とMMP-2の減弱を認めることを確認した.軟骨肉腫の多くは緩徐に成長するため,局所の浸潤や遠隔転移さえ抑制できれば,腫瘍と共存したままでも,長期生存が見込める可能性がある.そのため,本研究で明らかにした,ザルトプロフェンによるPPARγやMMP-2を介した遊走浸潤抑制効果が,手術困難となった軟骨肉腫患者の新しい治療戦略になると考えた。


Cell Cycle 2017



Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology 2017

担持されたヨード量と抗菌力との関係性を評価するため、基準値に対して80%、50%、20%、0%(=酸化被膜)にヨード担持量を調節した試験片を作成し、黄色ブドウ球菌 (ATCC 25923)と大腸菌 (MG 1655)を播種し、培養した後の細菌数を経時的に評価した。その結果、20%のヨード担持量においても有意な細菌数の減少を認めた。


Oncotarget 2016

骨肉腫は小児の長管骨骨幹端に発生することの多い、骨原発悪性腫瘍である。治療方法は抗がん剤と手術であるが、抗がん剤の副作用が強い症例や抗腫瘍効果が小さい症例などが存在する。そこで、骨肉腫に対するGSK3βを標的とした新規分子標的治療法の研究を行った。4種の骨肉腫細胞株(HOS、143B、MG-63、SaOS-2)と1種の骨芽細胞株(hFOB1.19)を用いた。GSK3β阻害薬はAR-A014418、SB-216763を使用した。それぞれの細胞株におけるGSK3β活性について調べ、阻害薬投与による細胞増殖抑制効果とアポトーシスの評価を行った。また、骨肉腫細胞株における阻害薬投与後のβ-cateninの変化を調べ、骨肉腫に対するGSK3β阻害薬の作用経路を検討した。In vivoでは骨肉腫細胞同所移植マウスにGSK3β阻害薬を腹腔内投与し、その抗腫瘍効果とメカニズムを検証した。活性型GSK3βの発現は、全ての骨肉腫細胞株において亢進していた(下図)。GSK3β阻害薬により全ての骨肉腫細胞の増殖抑制効果が認められ、アポトーシスが誘導された。また、GSK3β特異的siRNAを用いたRNA干渉試験でも阻害薬と同様の効果を得た。GSK3β阻害薬によりβ-cateninのリン酸化と分解が抑制され、β-cateninの核内移行と転写補因子活性が誘導された。骨肉腫細胞同所移植マウスに阻害薬を投与した結果、投与後2週間目から腫瘍増殖抑制効果が確認され、摘出腫瘍においてβ-cateninの核集積が認められた。この結果、GSK3β阻害薬による治療効果にはWnt/β-catenin経路が関係していると考えられた。


Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research 2017

間葉系幹細胞(MSC)においてp53蛋白は骨芽細胞分化や脂肪細胞分化を抑制する。多くの悪性腫瘍においてp53機能は低下しているため、悪性腫瘍の中のMSCにおいてもp53機能が低下しているならば骨芽細胞分化や脂肪細胞分化への誘導療法が有効である可能性があり、この仮説を異型脂肪腫様腫瘍/高分化型脂肪肉腫(ALT/WDL)を用いて検証しようと考えた。なぜなら、ほとんどのALT/WDLにおいてp53機能低下につながるMDM2遺伝子の増幅が認められるからである。同一個体からALT/WDL組織と正常脂肪組織を採取し、MSCを分離培養し、骨芽細胞分化能と脂肪細胞分化能を比較する。ALT/WDL患者6人から、腫瘍切除術の際に3mlの正常脂肪組織とALT組織を採取した。脂肪分化能はオイルレッドO染色後、抽出液の吸光度を測定して定量的に評価した。骨分化能はALP染色およびアリザリンレッドS染色後に特定色域面積を測定し半定量的に評価した。ALPは骨芽細胞分化初期の代謝に関連し、アリザリンレッドはカルシウム沈着と関連する。次に我々は骨芽細胞分化の差異が生じたメカニズムを、MDM2特異的阻害薬Nutlin-3の濃度を変えて加えることで分析した。脂肪分化能においては、我々の予想に反して、正常脂肪由来MSCにおいてより多くの脂肪滴が認められた。ただし抽出液の吸光度測定結果(正常脂肪対ALT/WDL)(±SD)は0.34 (± 0.13) 対 0.25 (± 0.10; p =0.22)で、有意差はなかった。対照的に、骨芽細胞分化能においては、ALT/WDL由来MSCでより高い分化能を認めた。ALP染色に基づいた分化能の値(正常脂肪対ALT/WDL)(±SD)は1.00 対 17 (±35.8; p =0.04)であった。しかしながら、アリザリンレッドS染色に基づいた分化能の値(正常脂肪対ALT/WDL)(±SD)は1.00対4.24(±4.75; p = 0.58)で、有意差を認めなかった。ALP染色に基づく骨芽細胞分化能の差異はMDM2特異的阻害薬Nutlin-3濃度が上昇するにつれて減少した。ALT/WDL由来MSCにおけるMDM2遺伝子の増幅がより高い骨芽細胞分化能をもたらしている可能性が示唆された。




Higuchi T, Igarashi K, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Bouvet M, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Multikinase-Inhibitor Screening in Drug-resistant Osteosarcoma Patient-derived Orthotopic Xenograft Mouse Models Identifies the Clinical Potential of Regorafenib.
Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2021 Sep-Oct;18(5):637-643.

Araki Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Asano Y, Tsuchiya H.
Clinical outcomes of frozen autograft reconstruction for the treatment of primary bone sarcoma in adolescents and young adults.
Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 27;11(1):17291.

Xu G, Aiba H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Araki Y, Saito S, Yoshimura K, Murakami H, Tsuchiya H, Kawai A.
Efficacy of perioperative chemotherapy for synovial sarcoma: a retrospective analysis of a Nationwide database in Japan.
BMC Cancer. 2021 Jul 3;21(1):773.

Hayashi K, Hiraoka K, Akiyama T, Iwata S, Tsuchiya H, Kawai A.
Benefit of surgical resection of distant metastasis in soft tissue sarcoma: a systematic review.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jul 1;51(7):1088-1093.

Araki Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Asano Y, Tsuchiya H.
Delayed Initiation of Treatment Is Associated With Metastasis of Malignant Bone Tumor.
Anticancer Res. 2021 Jun;41(6):2993-2999.

Yonezawa H, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Takeuchi A, Tada K, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Kimura H, Aoki Y, Morinaga S, Araki Y, Asano Y, Sakurakichi K, Ikeda H, Nojima T, Tsuchiya H.
Significant Improvement After Surgery for a Symptomatic Osteoblastoma in a Patient with Camurati-Engelmann Disease: Case Report and Literature Review.
Calcif Tissue Int. 2021 Jun;108(6):819-824.

Araki Y, Aiba H, Yoshida T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Nguyen TD, Ishii KA, Nojima T, Takahashi S, Murakami H, Tsuchiya H, Hanayama R.
Osteosarcoma-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles Enhance Tumor Metastasis and Suppress Osteoclastogenesis by miR-146a-5p.
Front Oncol. 2021 May 4;11:667109.

Miwa S, Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H.
Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors: New Treatment Approaches.
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Apr 12;13(8):1832.

Higuchi T, Han Q, Sugisawa N, Yamamoto J, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Combination Methionine-methylation-axis Blockade: A Novel Approach to Target the Methionine Addiction of Cancer.
Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2021 Mar-Apr;18(2):113-120.

Tsuchiya H.
Heritage and Invention – Dream, Dare and Do.
J Orthop Sci. 2021 Mar;26(2):201-202.

Miwa S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Tada K, Higuchi T, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Araki Y, Asano Y, Ikeda H, Nojima T, Tsuchiya H.
Diagnostic accuracies of intraoperative frozen section and permanent section examinations for histological grades during open biopsy of bone tumors.
Int J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar;26(3):613-619.

Asano Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Yonezawa H, Araki Y, Morinaga S, Kasahara K, Sone T, Tsuchiya H.
Complete Response of Bone Metastasis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer With Pembrolizumab: Two Case Reports.
Anticancer Res. 2021 Mar;41(3):1693-1699.

Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Araki Y, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Asano Y, Tsuchiya H.
Long-term survival in a patient with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome and osteosarcoma: A case report.
World J Clin Cases. 2021 Feb 6;9(4):854-863.

Araki Y, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Asano Y, Nojima T, Tsuchiya H.
Reconstruction using a frozen autograft for a skull and humeral lesion of synchronous multicentric osteosarcoma after undergoing successful neoadjuvant chemotherapy: a case report and review of the literature.
BMC Surg. 2021 Jan 22;21(1):56.


Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Higuchi T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Eribulin Regresses a Doxorubicin-resistant Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma in a Patient-derived Orthotopic Xenograft Mouse Model.
Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2020 Jul-Aug;17(4):351-358.

Langit MB, Miwa S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Tada K, Higuchi T, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Araki Y, Asano Y, Tsuchiya H.
Risk Factors for Postoperative Deep Infection After Malignant Bone Tumor Surgery of the Extremities.
Anticancer Res. 2020 Jun;40(6):3551-3557.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Zhao M, Han Q, Tan Y, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Higuchi T, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Recombinant Methioninase Combined With Tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R Induced Regression in a PDOX Mouse Model of Doxorubicin-resistant Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma.
Anticancer Res. 2020 May;40(5):2515-2523.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Taniguchi Y, Yonezawa H, Araki Y, Morinaga S, Misra S, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Odani A, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
A Novel Anionic-phosphate-platinum Complex Effectively Targets a Cisplatinum-resistant Osteosarcoma in a Patient-derived Orthotopic Xenograft Mouse Model.
Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2020 May-Jun;17(3):217-223.

Araki Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Taniguchi Y, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Nojima T, Tsuchiya H.
Cystic extraskeletal osteosarcoma: Three case reports and review of the literature.
Mol Clin Oncol. 2020 May;12(5):468-474.

Higuchi T, Sugisawa N, Yamamoto J, Oshiro H, Han Q, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Tan Y, Kuchipudi S, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
The combination of oral-recombinant methioninase and azacitidine arrests a chemotherapy-resistant osteosarcoma patient-derived orthotopic xenograft mouse model.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2020 Feb;85(2):285-291.

Higuchi T, Han Q, Miyake K, Oshiro H, Sugisawa N, Tan Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Combination of oral recombinant methioninase and decitabine arrests a chemotherapy-resistant undifferentiated soft-tissue sarcoma patient-derived orthotopic xenograft mouse model.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Feb 26;523(1):135-139.

Xu G, Miwa S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Higuchi T, Taniguchi Y, Araki Y, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Tsuchiya H.
Pedicle frozen autograft-prosthesis composite reconstructions for malignant bone tumors of the proximal femur.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 Feb 6;21(1):81.

Xu G, Yamamoto N, Nojima T, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Tsuchiya H.
The process of bone regeneration from devitalization to revitalization after pedicle freezing with immunohistochemical and histological examination in rabbits.
Cryobiology. 2020 Feb 1;92:130-137.

Abe K, Yamamoto N, Domoto T, Bolidong D, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Inatani H, Aoki Y, Higuchi T, Taniguchi Y, Yonezawa H, Araki Y, Aiba H, Minamoto T, Tsuchiya H.
Glycogen synthase kinase 3β as a potential therapeutic target in synovial sarcoma and fibrosarcoma.
Cancer Sci. 2020 Feb;111(2):429-440.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Zhao M, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Miyake M, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Exquisite Tumor Targeting by Salmonella A1-R in Combination with Caffeine and Valproic Acid Regresses an Adult Pleomorphic Rhabdomyosarcoma Patient-Derived Orthotopic Xenograft Mouse Model.
Transl Oncol. 2020 Feb;13(2):393-400.

Xu G, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Taniguchi Y, Araki Y, Yonezawa H, Morinaga S, Tsuchiya H.
The accuracy of different FRAX tools in predicting fracture risk in Japan: A comparison study.
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2020 Jan-Apr;28(2):2309499020917276.

Higuchi T, Yamamoto J, Sugisawa N, Tashiro Y, Nishino H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
PPARγ Agonist Pioglitazone in Combination With Cisplatinum Arrests a Chemotherapy-resistant Osteosarcoma PDOX Model.
Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2020 Jan-Feb;17(1):35-40.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Murakami T, Miyake K, Kiyuna T, Miyake M, Hiroshima Y, Higuchi T, Oshiro H, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Patient-derived orthotopic xenograft models of sarcoma.
Cancer Lett. 2020 Jan 28;469:332-339.


Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Matsubara H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Tsuchiya H.
Joint-preservation surgery for pediatric osteosarcoma of the knee joint.
Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2019 Dec;38(4):709-722.

Miwa S, Okamoto H, Yamada S, Kawaguchi Y, Endo K, Aiba H, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Sekiya I, Otsuka T, Tsuchiya H.
Distribution of Solitary and Multiple Enchondromas of the Hand.
In Vivo. 2019 Nov-Dec;33(6):2235-2240.

Taniguchi Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Higuchi T, Abe K, Yonezawa H, Araki Y, Morinaga S, Kamei J, Nugroho AE, Kaneda T, Morita H, Tsuchiya H.
Anti-tumor Effects of Cyclolinopeptide on Giant-cell Tumor of the Bone.
Anticancer Res. 2019 Nov;39(11):6145-6153.

Shirai T, Tsuchiya H, Terauchi R, Tsuchida S, Mizoshiri N, Mori Y, Takeuchi A, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Ikoma K, Kubo T.
A retrospective study of antibacterial iodine-coated implants for postoperative infection.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Nov;98(45):e17932.

Higuchi T, Sugisawa N, Miyake K, Oshiro H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Kline Z, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Pioglitazone, an agonist of PPARγ, reverses doxorubicin-resistance in an osteosarcoma patient-derived orthotopic xenograft model by downregulating P-glycoprotein expression.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2019 Oct;118:109356.

Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H.
Treatment of chordoma-where is it going?
J Spine Surg. 2019 Sep;5(3):387-389.

Higuchi T, Sugisawa N, Miyake K, Oshiro H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Kline Z, Belt P, Chawla SP, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Combination Treatment With Sorafenib and Everolimus Regresses a Doxorubicin-resistant Osteosarcoma in a PDOX Mouse Model.
Anticancer Res. 2019 Sep;39(9):4781-4786.

Higuchi T, Oshiro H, Miyake K, Sugisawa N, Han Q, Tan Y, Park J, Zhang Z, Razmjooei S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Bouvet M, Chawla SP, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Oral Recombinant Methioninase, Combined With Oral Caffeine and Injected Cisplatinum, Overcome Cisplatinum-Resistance and Regresses Patient-derived Orthotopic Xenograft Model of Osteosarcoma.
Anticancer Res. 2019 Sep;39(9):4653-4657.

Higuchi T, Sugisawa N, Miyake K, Oshiro H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
The Combination of Olaratumab with Doxorubicin and Cisplatinum Regresses a Chemotherapy-Resistant Osteosarcoma in a Patient-Derived Orthotopic Xenograft Mouse Model.
Transl Oncol. 2019 Sep;12(9):1257-1263.

Zekry KM, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Araki Y, Alkhooly AZA, Abd-Elfattah AS, Fouly EH, Elsaid ANS, Tsuchiya H.
Surgical treatment of chondroblastoma using extended intralesional curettage with phenol as a local adjuvant.
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2019 Sep-Dec;27(3):2309499019861031.

Higuchi T, Sugisawa N, Miyake K, Oshiro H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Chawla SP, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Sorafenib and Palbociclib Combination Regresses a Cisplatinum-resistant Osteosarcoma in a PDOX Mouse Model.
Anticancer Res. 2019 Aug;39(8):4079-4084.

Abe K, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Tsuchiya H.
Caffeine citrate enhanced cisplatin antitumor effects in osteosarcoma and fibrosarcoma in vitro and in vivo.
BMC Cancer. 2019 Jul 15;19(1):689.

Higuchi T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Araki Y, Tsuchiya H.
C-arm cone-beam computed tomography-guided minimally invasive open excision of an osteoid osteoma undetectable on fluoroscopy: A case report.
Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019;61:14-19.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Miyake M, Nelson SD, Russell TA, Dry SM, Li Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Pazopanib regresses a doxorubicin-resistant synovial sarcoma in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft mouse model.
Tissue Cell. 2019 Jun;58:107-111.

Higuchi T, Miyake K, Sugisawa N, Oshiro H, Zhang Z, Razmjooei S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
The combination of olaratumab with gemcitabine and docetaxel arrests a chemotherapy-resistant undifferentiated soft-tissue sarcoma in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft mouse model.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2019 Jun;83(6):1075-1082.

Higuchi T, Miyake K, Sugisawa N, Oshiro H, Zhang Z, Razmjooei S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Olaratumab combined with doxorubicin and ifosfamide overcomes individual doxorubicin and olaratumab resistance of an undifferentiated soft-tissue sarcoma in a PDOX mouse model.
Cancer Lett. 2019 Jun 1;451:122-127.

Higuchi T, Miyake K, Oshiro H, Sugisawa N, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Chawla SP, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Trabectedin and irinotecan combination regresses a cisplatinum-resistant osteosarcoma in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft nude-mouse model.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 May 28;513(2):326-331.

Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Tsuchiya H.
Progress in biological reconstruction and enhanced bone revitalization for bone defects.
J Orthop Sci. 2019 May;24(3):387-392.

Takeuchi A, Matsubara H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Inatani H, Tsuchiya H.
Successful treatment of pathologic femoral shaft fracture associated with large arteriovenous malformations using a 3-dimensional external fixator and teriparatide: a case report.
BMC Surg. 2019 Apr 5;19(1):35.

Abe K, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Kato S, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Inatani H, Aoki YU, Higuchi T, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchiya H.
Determining Patient Satisfaction and Treatment Desires in Patients With Musculoskeletal Sarcoma of the Knee After Joint-preservation Surgery Using a Questionnaire Survey.
Anticancer Res. 2019 Apr;39(4):1965-1969.

Abe K, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Kato S, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Inatani H, Aoki YU, Higuchi T, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchiya H.
Satisfaction After Joint-preservation Surgery in Patients With Musculoskeletal Knee Sarcoma Based on Various Scores.
Anticancer Res. 2019 Apr;39(4):1959-1964.

Higuchi T, Oshiro H, Zhang Z, Miyake K, Sugisawa N, Katsuya Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Zhao M, Bouvet M, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Osimertinib Regresses an EGFR-Mutant Cisplatinum- Resistant Lung Adenocarcinoma Growing in the Brain in Nude Mice.
Transl Oncol. 2019 Apr;12(4):640-645.

Higuchi T, Kawaguchi K, Miyake K, Oshiro H, Zhang Z, Razmjooei S, Wangsiricharoen S, Igarashi K, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Chawla SP, Eilber FC, Singh SR, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
The combination of gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel as a novel effective treatment strategy for undifferentiated soft-tissue sarcoma in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) nude-mouse model.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2019 Mar;111:835-840.

Takeuchi A, Nomura A, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Igarashi K, Tandai S, Kawai A, Matsumine A, Miwa S, Nishida Y, Nakamura T, Terauchi R, Hoshi M, Kunisada T, Endo M, Yoshimura K, Murayama T, Tsuchiya H.
Randomized placebo-controlled double-blind phase II study of zaltoprofen for patients with diffuse-type and unresectable localized tenosynovial giant cell tumors: a study protocol.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 Feb 9;20(1):68.

Miwa S, Shirai T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Tsuchiya H.
Current and Emerging Targets in Immunotherapy for Osteosarcoma.
J Oncol. 2019 Jan 1;2019:7035045.

Miwa S, Shirai T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Tada K, Kajino Y, Higuchi T, Abe K, Aiba H, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchiya H.
Risk factors for surgical site infection after malignant bone tumor resection and reconstruction.
BMC Cancer. 2019 Jan 8;19(1):33.

Zekry KM, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Alkhooly AZA, Abd-Elfattah AS, Elsaid ANS, Ahmed AR, Tsuchiya H.
Reconstruction of intercalary bone defect after resection of malignant bone tumor.
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2019 Jan-Apr;27(1):2309499019832970.

Miwa S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Tsuchiya H.
Therapeutic Targets for Bone and Soft-Tissue Sarcomas.
Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jan 4;20(1):170.

Tome Y, Kiyuna T, Uehara F, Bouvet M, Tsuchiya H, Kanaya F, Hoffman RM.
Imaging the interaction of αv integrin-GFP in osteosarcoma cells with RFP-expressing host stromal cells and tumor-scaffold collagen in the primary and metastatic tumor microenvironment.
J Cell Biochem. 2019 Jan;120(1):283-289.


Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Miyake M, Li Y, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Singh AS, Elliott IA, Russell TA, Eckardt MA, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Temozolomide regresses a doxorubicin-resistant undifferentiated spindle-cell sarcoma patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX): precision-oncology nude-mouse model matching the patient with effective therapy.
J Cell Biochem. 2018 Aug;119(8):6598-6603.

Miwa S, Mochizuki T, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Inatani H, Igarashi K, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Aiba H, Ikeda H, Tsuchiya H.
Efficacy and Limitations of F-18-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose Positron Emission Tomography to Differentiate Between Malignant and Benign Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors.
Anticancer Res. 2018 Jul;38(7):4065-4072.

Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Matsubara H, Kimura H, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchiya H.
Growth of epiphysis after epiphyseal-preservation surgery for childhood osteosarcoma around the knee joint.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Jun 6;19(1):185.

Hayashi K, Yahata T, Muramoto R, Yamamoto N, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Aiba H, Araki Y, Tsuchiya H.
Factors Associated With Discharge Destination in Advanced Cancer Patients With Bone Metastasis in a Japanese Hospital.
Ann Rehabil Med. 2018 Jun 27;42(3):477-482.

Takeuchi A, Suwanpramote P, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Tsuchiya H.
Mid- to long-term clinical outcome of giant cell tumor of bone treated with calcium phosphate cement following thorough curettage and phenolization.
J Surg Oncol. 2018 May;117(6):1232-1238.

Higuchi T, Takeuchi A, Munesue S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Inatani H, Shimozaki S, Kato T, Aoki Y, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Aiba H, Murakami H, Harashima A, Yamamoto Y, Tsuchiya H.
Anti-tumor effects of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug zaltoprofen on chondrosarcoma via activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and suppressing matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression.
Cancer Med. 2018 May;7(5):1944-1954.

Higuchi T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Kimura H, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Aiba H, Tsuchiya H.
Calcium Phosphate Cement in the Surgical Management of Benign Bone Tumors.
Anticancer Res. 2018 May;38(5):3031-3035.

Higuchi T, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Kimura H, Miwa S, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchiya H.
Treatment outcomes of the simple bone cyst: A comparative study of 2 surgical techniques using artificial bone substitutes.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 May;97(18):e0572.

Igarashi K, Li S, Han Q, Tan Y, Kawaguchi K, Murakami T, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Li Y, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Singh AS, Elliott IA, Russell TA, Eckardt MA, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Growth of doxorubicin-resistant undifferentiated spindle-cell sarcoma PDOX is arrested by metabolic targeting with recombinant methioninase.
J Cell Biochem. 2018 Apr;119(4):3537-3544.

Aiba H, Yamada S, Mizutani J, Yamamoto N, Okamoto H, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Kawai A, Yoshimura K, Tsuchiya H, Otsuka T.
Clinical outcomes of radio-hyperthermo-chemotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma compared to a soft tissue sarcoma registry in Japan: a retrospective matched-pair cohort study.
Cancer Med. 2018 Apr;7(4):1560-1571.

El-Far AHAM, Munesue S, Harashima A, Sato A, Shindo M, Nakajima S, Inada M, Tanaka M, Takeuchi A, Tsuchiya H, Yamamoto H, Shaheen HME, El-Sayed YS, Kawano S, Tanuma SI, Yamamoto Y.
In vitro anticancer effects of a RAGE inhibitor discovered using a structure-based drug design system.
Oncol Lett. 2018 Apr;15(4):4627-4634.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Li S, Han Q, Tan Y, Gainor E, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Miyake M, Higuchi T, Oshiro H, Singh AS, Eckardt MA, Nelson SD, Russell TA, Dry SM, Li Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Recombinant methioninase combined with doxorubicin (DOX) regresses a DOX-resistant synovial sarcoma in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) mouse model.
Oncotarget. 2018 Apr 10;9(27):19263-19272.

Aiba H, Yamada S, Mizutani J, Yamamoto N, Okamoto H, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Araki Y, Tsuchiya H, Otsuka T.
Preoperative evaluation of the efficacy of radio-hyperthermo-chemotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma in a case series.
PLoS One. 2018 Apr 16;13(4):e0195289.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Li S, Han Q, Tan Y, Murakami T, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Miyake M, Singh AS, Eckardt MA, Nelson SD, Russell TA, Dry SM, Li Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Singh SR, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Recombinant methioninase in combination with doxorubicin (DOX) overcomes first-line DOX resistance in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft nude-mouse model of undifferentiated spindle-cell sarcoma.
Cancer Lett. 2018 Mar 28;417:168-173.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Miyake M, Singh AS, Eckardt MA, Nelson SD, Russell TA, Dry SM, Li Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Singh SR, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R is a highly effective general therapeutic for undifferentiated soft tissue sarcoma patient-derived orthotopic xenograft nude-mouse models.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018 Mar 18;497(4):1055-1061.

Higuchi T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Araki Y, Tada K, Tsuchiya H.
Successful joint preservation of distal radius osteosarcoma by en bloc tumor excision and reconstruction using a tumor bearing frozen autograft: a case report.
BMC Surg. 2018 Mar 1;18(1):12.

Aiba H, Yamada S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Otsuka T.
Spontaneous shrinkage of solitary osteochondromas.
Skeletal Radiol. 2018 Jan;47(1):61-68.

Higuchi T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Kato S, Miwa S, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Aiba H, Tsuchiya H.
The Efficacy of Wide Resection for Musculoskeletal Metastatic Lesions of Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Anticancer Res. 2018 Jan;38(1):577-582.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Miyake M, Li S, Han Q, Tan Y, Zhao M, Li Y, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Singh AS, Elliott IA, Russell TA, Eckardt MA, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R combined with recombinant methioninase and cisplatinum eradicates an osteosarcoma cisplatinum-resistant lung metastasis in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) mouse model: decoy, trap and kill chemotherapy moves toward the clinic.
Cell Cycle. 2018;17(6):801-809.

Aiba H, Yamada S, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Otsuka T.
Spontaneous shrinkage of solitary osteochondromas.
Skeletal Radiol. 2018 Jan;47(1):61-68.


Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H.
Biological Reconstruction Using Liquid Nitrogen-Treated Tumor Bearing Bone.
Osteosarcoma Biology, Behavior and Mechanisms. Kanya Honoki, Kurt Richard Weiss, ed. 1st ed. INTECH Zagreb 2017.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Miyake M, Li Y, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Singh AS, Elliott IA, Russell TA, Eckardt MA, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Temozolomide combined with irinotecan regresses a cisplatinum-resistant relapsed osteosarcoma in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) precision-oncology mouse model.
Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 4;9(8):7774-7781.

Miwa S, Shirai T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Tada K, Kajino Y, Inatani H, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchiya H.
Risk factors for postoperative deep infection in bone tumors.
PLoS One. 2017 Nov 9;12(11):e0187438.

Higuchi T, Yamamoto N, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Kimura H, Miwa S, Inatani H, Shimozaki S, Kato T, Aoki Y, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchiya H.
Knee joint preservation surgery in osteosarcoma using tumour-bearing bone treated with liquid nitrogen.
Int Orthop. 2017 Oct;41(10):2189-2197.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Murakami T, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Singh AS, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
High Efficacy of Pazopanib on an Undifferentiated Spindle-Cell Sarcoma Resistant to First-Line Therapy Is Identified With a Patient-Derived Orthotopic Xenograft (PDOX) Nude Mouse Model.
J Cell Biochem. 2017 Sep;118(9):2739-2743.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Murakami T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Effective Metabolic Targeting of Human Osteosarcoma Cells In Vitro and in Orthotopic Nude-mouse Models with Recombinant Methioninase.
Anticancer Res. 2017 Sep;37(9):4807-4812.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Murakami T, Miwa S, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Singh AS, Kimura H, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Efficacy In Vitro of Caffeine and Valproic Acid on Patient-Derived Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma and Rhabdomyosarcoma Cell Lines.
Anticancer Res. 2017 Aug;37(8):4081-4084.

Zekry KM, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Alkhooly AZAA, Abd-Elfattah AS, Fouly EH, Ahmed AR, Tsuchiya H.
Intercalary frozen autograft for reconstruction of malignant bone and soft tissue tumours.
Int Orthop. 2017 Jul;41(7):1481-1487.

Inatani H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Yamada S, Asai K, Otsuka T, Tsuchiya H.
Do Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived From Atypical Lipomatous Tumors Have Greater Differentiation Potency Than Cells From Normal Adipose Tissues?
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2017 Jun;475(6):1693-1701.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Murakami T, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Yanagawa J, Russell TA, Singh AS, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Intra-arterial administration of tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R regresses a cisplatin-resistant relapsed osteosarcoma in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) mouse model.
Cell Cycle. 2017 Jun 18;16(12):1164-1170.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Murakami T, Kiyuna T, Miyake K, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Singh AS, Miwa S, Odani A, Eilber FC, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
A novel anionic-phosphate-platinum complex effectively targets an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma better than cisplatinum and doxorubicin in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX).
Oncotarget. 2017 Jun 28;8(38):63353-63359.

Rosario MS, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Kimura H, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Inatani H, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Aiba H, Tsuchiya H.
An unusual case of proximal humeral simple bone cyst in an adult from secondary cystic change.
World J Surg Oncol. 2017 May 15;15(1):102.

Miwa S, Nishida H, Tanzawa Y, Takeuchi A, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Mizukoshi E, Nakamoto Y, Kaneko S, Tsuchiya H.
Phase 1/2 study of immunotherapy with dendritic cells pulsed with autologous tumor lysate in patients with refractory bone and soft tissue sarcoma.
Cancer. 2017 May 1;123(9):1576-1584.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Murakami T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Antimetastatic Efficacy of the Combination of Caffeine and Valproic Acid on an Orthotopic Human Osteosarcoma Cell Line Model in Nude Mice.
Anticancer Res. 2017 Mar;37(3):1005-1011.

Igarashi K, Kawaguchi K, Kiyuna T, Murakami T, Miwa S, Nelson SD, Dry SM, Li Y, Singh AS, Kimura H, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H, Eilber FC, Hoffman RM.
Temozolomide combined with irinotecan caused regression in an adult pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) nude-mouse model.
Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 24;8(44):75874-75880.

Rosario M, Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Aiba H, Tanzawa Y, Murakami H, Tsuchiya H.
Pathogenesis of Osteosclerotic Change Following Treatment with an Antibody Against RANKL for Giant Cell Tumour of the Bone.
Anticancer Res. 2017 Feb;37(2):749-754.

Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Takeuchi A, Kimura H, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Aiba H, Kiyohara H, Imai R, Ikeda H, Tsuchiya H.
Sequential histological findings and clinical response after carbon ion radiotherapy for unresectable sarcoma.
Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2017 Feb 6;2:41-45.


Rosario MS, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Inatani H, Higuchi T, Tsuchiya H.
A case of infected schwannoma mimicking malignant tumor.
World J Surg Oncol. 2016 Dec 7;14(1):302.

Kimura H, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Tanzawa Y, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H.
Clinical Outcome of Reconstruction Using Frozen Autograft for a Humeral Bone Tumor.
Anticancer Res. 2016 Dec;36(12):6631-6635.

Miwa S, Toneri M, Igarashi K, Yano S, Kimura H, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Real-Time In Vivo Confocal Fluorescence Imaging of Prostate Cancer Bone-Marrow Micrometastasis Development at the Cellular Level in Nude Mice.
J Cell Biochem. 2016 Nov;117(11):2533-7.

Shimozaki S, Yamamoto N, Domoto T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Kato T, Aoki Y, Higuchi T, Hirose M, Hoffman RM, Minamoto T, Tsuchiya H.
Efficacy of glycogen synthase kinase-3β targeting against osteosarcoma via activation of β-catenin.
Oncotarget. 2016 Nov 22;7(47):77038-77051.

Hayashi K, Niu X, Tang X, Singh VA, Asavamongkolkul A, Kawai A, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Takeuchi A, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H.
Experience of total scapular excision for musculoskeletal tumor and reconstruction in eastern Asian countries.
J Bone Oncol. 2016 Oct 15;9:55-58.

Abdelaal AH, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Morsy AF, Kajino Y, Tsuchiya H.
The linea aspera as a guide for femoral rotation after tumor resection: is it directly posterior? A technical note.
J Orthop Traumatol. 2016 Sep;17(3):255-9.

Shimozaki S, Inatani H, Numata H, Tsuchiya H.
A Novel Technique for Calcaneal Avulsion Fracture: A Case Report.
J Trauma Treatment. 2016 5:4.

Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Hayashi K, Miwa S, Munesue S, Yamamoto Y, Tsuchiya H.
Clinical relevance of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma expression in myxoid liposarcoma.
BMC Cancer. 2016 Jul 11;16:442.

Takeuchi A, Tsuchiya H, Ishii T, Nishida Y, Abe S, Matsumine A, Kawai A, Yoshimura K, Ueda T.
Clinical outcome of recurrent giant cell tumor of the extremity in the era before molecular target therapy: the Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group study.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016 Jul 22;17:306.

Inatani H, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Higuchi T, Abe K, Taniguchi Y, Yamada S, Okamoto H, Otsuka T, Tsuchiya H.
Surgical management of proximal fibular tumors: A report of 12 cases.
J Bone Oncol. 2016 Jun 8;5(4):163-166.

Abe K, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Inatani H, Higuchi T, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchiya H.
Balancing Prolonged Survival with QoL Using Low-dose Pazopanib Maintenance: A Comparison with the PALETTE Study.
Anticancer Res. 2016 Jun;36(6):2893-7.

Miwa S, De Magalhães N, Toneri M, Zhang Y, Cao W, Bouvet M, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Fluorescence-guided surgery of human prostate cancer experimental bone metastasis in nude mice using anti-CEA DyLight 650 for tumor illumination.
J Orthop Res. 2016 Apr;34(4):559-65.

Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Miwa S, Takahira M, Fukui K, Oikawa T, Tsuchiya H.
Tenosynovial giant cell tumors in unusual locations detected by positron emission tomography imaging confused with malignant tumors: report of two cases.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016 Apr 26;17:180.

Abdelaal AH, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Morsy AF, Miwa S, Kajino Y, Rubio DA, Tsuchiya H.
Radiological assessment of the femoral bowing in Japanese population.
SICOT J. 2016 Jan 22;2:2.


Miwa S, Yano S, Kimura H, Yamamoto M, Toneri M, Murakami T, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Fujiwara T, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Heterogeneous cell-cycle behavior in response to UVB irradiation by a population of single cancer cells visualized by time-lapse FUCCI imaging.
Cell Cycle. 2015;14(12):1932-7.

Miwa S, Yano S, Kimura H, Yamamoto M, Toneri M, Matsumoto Y, Uehara F, Hiroshima Y, Murakami T, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Bouvet M, Fujiwara T, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Cell-cycle fate-monitoring distinguishes individual chemosensitive and chemoresistant cancer cells in drug-treated heterogeneous populations demonstrated by real-time FUCCI imaging.
Cell Cycle. 2015;14(4):621-9.

Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Watanabe K, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H.
Successful correction of tibial bone deformity through multiple surgical procedures, liquid nitrogen-pretreated bone tumor autograft, three-dimensional external fixation, and internal fixation in a patient with primary osteosarcoma: a case report.
BMC Surg. 2015 Dec 7;15:124.

Abe K, Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Tada K, Miwa S, Inatani H, Aoki Y, Higuchi T, Tsuchiya H.
Symptomatic small schwannoma is a risk factor for surgical complications and correlates with difficulty of enucleation.
Springerplus. 2015 Dec 1;4:751.

Subhadrabandhu S, Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H.
Frozen Autograft-Prosthesis Composite Reconstruction in Malignant Bone Tumors.
Orthopedics. 2015 Oct;38(10):e911-8.

Miwa S, Yokogawa A, Kobayashi T, Nishimura T, Igarashi K, Inatani H, Tsuchiya H.
Risk factors of recurrent lumbar disk herniation: a single center study and review of the literature.
J Spinal Disord Tech. 2015 Jun;28(5):E265-9.

Miwa S, Yano S, Yamamoto M, Matsumoto Y, Uehara F, Hiroshima Y, Toneri M, Murakami T, Kimura H, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Efimova EV, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Real-time fluorescence imaging of the DNA damage repair response during mitosis.
J Cell Biochem. 2015 Apr;116(4):661-6.

Kimura H, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Tanzawa Y, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Inatani H, Shimozaki S, Kato T, Aoki Y, Higuchi T, Tsuchiya H.
Efficacy of triplet regimen antiemetic therapy for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in bone and soft tissue sarcoma patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy, and an efficacy comparison of single-shot palonosetron and consecutive-day granisetron for CINV in a randomized, single-blinded crossover study.
Cancer Med. 2015 Mar;4(3):333-41.

Hayashi K, Yamada S, Inatani H, Okamoto H, Takeuchi A, Nishida H, Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H, Otsuka T.
Salvage method for unplanned excision of soft tissue sarcoma: long-term results of second-look surgery following radio-hyperthermo-chemotherapy.
Anticancer Res. 2015 Jan;35(1):493-8.


Igarashi K, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Tanzawa Y, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Miwa S, Inatani H, Shimozaki S, Kato T, Tsuchiya H.
Late recurrence of osteosarcoma: a report of two cases.
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2014 Dec;22(3):415-9.

Miwa S, Zhang Y, Baek KE, Uehara F, Yano S, Yamamoto M, Hiroshima Y, Matsumoto Y, Kimura H, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Bouvet M, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM, Zhao M.
Inhibition of spontaneous and experimental lung metastasis of soft-tissue sarcoma by tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R.
Oncotarget. 2014 Dec 30;5(24):12849-61.

Miwa S, Hiroshima Y, Yano S, Zhang Y, Matsumoto Y, Uehara F, Yamamoto M, Kimura H, Hayashi K, Bouvet M, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Fluorescence-guided surgery improves outcome in an orthotopic osteosarcoma nude-mouse model.
J Orthop Res. 2014 Dec;32(12):1596-601.

Miwa S, Matsumoto Y, Hiroshima Y, Yano S, Uehara F, Yamamoto M, Zhang Y, Kimura H, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Bouvet M, Sugimoto N, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM.
Fluorescence-guided surgery of prostate cancer bone metastasis.
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What are the factors that affect survival and relapse after local recurrence of osteosarcoma?
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Miwa S, Takeuchi A, Shirai T, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Nishida H, Kimura H, Igarashi K, Tsuchiya H.
Outcomes and complications of reconstruction using tumor-bearing frozen autografts in patients with metastatic bone tumors.
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Miwa S, Yano S, Zhang Y, Matsumoto Y, Uehara F, Yamamoto M, Hiroshima Y, Kimura H, Hayashi K, Yamamoto N, Bouvet M, Tsuchiya H, Hoffman RM, Zhao M.
Tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R prevents experimental human breast cancer bone metastasis in nude mice.
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Hayashi K, Iwata S, Ogose A, Kawai A, Ueda T, Otsuka T, Tsuchiya H.
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Kimura H, Yamamoto N, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Nojima T, Ikeda H, Sawada-Kitamura S, Tsuchiya H.
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Igarashi K, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Hayashi K, Nishida H, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Tsuchiya H.
The long-term outcome following the use of frozen autograft treated with liquid nitrogen in the management of bone and soft-tissue sarcomas.
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Shimozaki S, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Tanzawa Y, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Inatani H, Kato T, Tsuchiya H.
Pedicle versus free frozen autograft for reconstruction in malignant bone and soft tissue tumors of the lower extremities.
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Chemotherapy for osteosarcoma – where does it come from? What is it? Where is it going?
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Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Nishida H, Kimura H, Ikeda H, Tsuchiya H.
Complete necrosis of a giant cell tumor with high expression of PPARγ: a case report.
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Takeuchi A, Yamamoto Y, Munesue S, Harashima A, Watanabe T, Yonekura H, Yamamoto H, Tsuchiya H.
Low molecular weight heparin suppresses receptor for advanced glycation end products-mediated expression of malignant phenotype in human fibrosarcoma cells.
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Kimura H, Dobashi Y, Nojima T, Nakamura H, Yamamoto N, Tsuchiya H, Ikeda H, Sawada-Kitamura S, Oyama T, Ooi A.
Utility of fluorescence in situ hybridization to detect MDM2 amplification in liposarcomas and their morphological mimics.
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Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Yamauchi K, Takeuchi A, Kimura H, Igarashi K, Hoffman RM, Tsuchiya H.
In vitro and in vivo models for real-time or time course tumor cell imaging.
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Yamamoto N, Inatani H, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Shimozaki S, Kato T, Tsuchiya H.
Histological study on liquid nitrogen-treated tumor-bearing bone of the proximal femur excised eight years after transplantation.
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Kimura H, Tome Y, Momiyama M, Hayashi K, Tsuchiya H, Bouvet M, Hoffman RM.
Imaging the inhibition by anti-β1 integrin antibody of lung seeding of single osteosarcoma cells in live mice.
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Tsuchiya H, Shirai T, Nishida H, Murakami H, Kabata T, Yamamoto N, Watanabe K, Nakase J.
Innovative antimicrobial coating of titanium implants with iodine.
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Miwa S, Taki J, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Tanzawa Y, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Ooi A, Tsuchiya H.
A novel combined radiological method for evaluation of the response to chemotherapy for primary bone sarcoma.
J Surg Oncol. 2012 Sep 1;106(3):273-9.

Miwa S, Sugimoto N, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Yachie A,
Tsuchiya H. Caffeine induces apoptosis of osteosarcoma cells by inhibiting AKT/mTOR/S6K, NF-κB and MAPK pathways.
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Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Tanzawa Y, Kimura H, Takeuchi A, Igarashi K, Inatani H, Shimozaki S, Kitamura S, Tsuchiya H.
Treatment strategies for well-differentiated liposarcomas and therapeutic outcomes.
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Miwa S, Nishida H, Tanzawa Y, Takata M, Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Hayashi K, Kimura H, Igarashi K, Mizukoshi E, Nakamoto Y, Kaneko S, Tsuchiya H.
TNF-α and tumor lysate promote the maturation of dendritic cells for immunotherapy for advanced malignant bone and soft tissue tumors.
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Hayashi K, Karita M, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Nishida H, Takeuchi A, Kimura H, Miwa S, Tsuchiya H.
Functional outcomes after total scapulectomy for malignant bone or soft tissue tumors in the shoulder girdle.
Int J Clin Oncol. 2011 Oct;16(5):568-73.

Miwa S, Shirai T, Taki J, Sumiya H, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Ooi A, Tsuchiya H.
Use of 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy in the evaluation of the response to chemotherapy for osteosarcoma: comparison with 201Tl scintigraphy and angiography.
Int J Clin Oncol. 2011 Aug;16(4):373-8.

Tsuchiya H, Takeuchi A, Yamamoto N, Shirai T, Hayashi K, Nishida H, Tomita K.
High-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of pelvis treated with curettage and bone graft after complete remission following caffeine-potentiated chemotherapy.
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Nishida H, Yamamoto N, Tanzawa Y, Tsuchiya H.
Cryoimmunology for malignant bone and soft-tissue tumors.
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Basic science and clinical frontiers of sarcoma treatment.
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Tumor imaging with multicolor fluorescent protein expression.
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The prognostic factors of recurrent GCT: a cooperative study by the Eastern Asian Musculoskeletal Oncology Group.
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Tanzawa Y, Tsuchiya H, Shirai T, Nishida H, Hayashi K, Takeuchi A, Kawahara M, Tomita K.
Potentiation of the antitumor effect of calcium phosphate cement containing anticancer drug and caffeine on rat osteosarcoma.
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Miwa S, Kitamura S, Shirai T, Hayashi K, Nishida H, Takeuchi A, Nojima T, Tsuchiya H.
Desmoplastic small round cell tumour successfully treated with caffeine-assisted chemotherapy: a case report and review of the literature.
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UV light killing efficacy of fluorescent protein-expressing cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.
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Pedicle frozen autograft reconstruction in malignant bone tumors.
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Cryoimmunologic antitumor effects enhanced by dendritic cells in osteosarcoma.
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Real-time imaging of single cancer-cell dynamics of lung metastasis.
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